My real estate check up will keep you better informed about our market.

Our real estate market is changing at a rapid pace. You can try to get a better picture of what’s happening by checking the national media, but this will probably only leave you with a lot of confusion and fear. That’s why I thought now would be the perfect time to remind you to sign up for my annual real estate checkup. 

What do you get by signing up for this service? Once per year, we’ll have a one-on-one conversation about the state of our economy, our real estate market, your home’s value, or any other topic. I won’t alarm or pressure you into doing something that’s against your best interests. I’ve seen many people making what I consider to be pretty big mistakes as our market shifts—I just want to make sure you don’t fall into the same traps. 

To sign up for your real estate checkup, email me at or text (972) 984-0511 and tell me that you’re interested. Include a few available dates, and we’ll work out a time that fits both of our schedules. I look forward to hearing from you!