Here’s how I help home sellers overcome their fears.

Even in the best of markets, selling your home takes guts. It’s difficult to leave a place you’ve loved for many years and hand the keys over to people who are practically strangers; it’s even harder to make your home perfect and ready for the world to see so that it moves quickly on the market. As you hopefully know by now, today’s market definitely favors sellers. If your current home is no longer meeting your expectations, fulfilling your wants, or accommodating your needs, now is the time to take that plunge into the open market. Trust me—it’s not so scary when you have an expert guide. 

Here are the two fears that are holding many home sellers back: 

1. Frightened by fixes. You may be worried that your house will need a ton of fixes, and you don’t have the money or the emotional capacity to address those right now. It’s true that updated, move-in ready homes are selling for more money and in way less time than houses that need a bit of work. If you’re like the average homeowner, most of your cash is tied up in your home, which makes it tricky to source the several thousand dollars needed to get some of the more significant repairs done.

“Now is the time to take that plunge into the open market. Trust me—it’s not so scary when you have a guide.”

Thankfully, I offer a program where I will handle all the needed repairs and updates on your behalf before listing your home—with no upfront expenses. This allows you to sell your home for maximum value, after which point we’ll get reimbursed for those repair expenses. (I don’t charge any extra fees and am happy to work with your preferred lender). 

2. Overworked and overwhelmed. Many of my clients want to move but they’re already so overworked that simply thinking about how much work may be involved in making their home show-ready is enough to give them pause. I’m not going to sugarcoat it: Preparing your home for the market takes a lot of work, but the good news is that you don’t have to do it alone; I have a lot of resources available to me. If you’re in need of a reliable plumber, cleaner, mover, landscaper, etc., I can refer you to one of my many trusted vendors. 

So, if a home sale is in your future and you’re feeling a tad anxious, let’s meet to come up with an actionable plan that I’ll help you execute. If you have any other real estate-related questions and need to get ahold of me, just give me a call or send me an email. I’d love to hear from you!