Here’s why a new roof isn’t the value-adding upgrade you might think it is.

How much value can you add to your home by getting a new roof? If you Google this question, the predominant answer you’ll find is that a new roof increases a home’s value by approximately $15,000—gee, that’d be so nice if it were true! It’s just not the case though, at least not here in Texas. As you’re well aware, the weather we experience here is no joke (scorching heat, thunderstorms with hail and strong winds, etc.). I don’t know of any Texas roofs that last anywhere near their 30-year life expectancy. 

Getting a new roof in Texas is more of a maintenance issue than a value-adding upgrade. Sure, a brand-new roof is always a solid selling feature, but don’t expect a buyer to pay $15,000 extra for your home because of it. The same thing applies to HVAC systems, pool pumps, or water heaters; buyers already expect these systems to be in working condition, so they won’t necessarily pay more if your home’s systems are new. 

If you have any questions about how to add value to your home or any other real estate matter, don’t hesitate to call or email me. I’m always here to help, and I look forward to hearing from you!