Dallas/Fort Worth Real Estate Video Blog

What’s Driving Current Real Estate Prices?

  • What’s Driving Current Real Estate Prices?

    Here’s why prices keep rising in our market.

Nervous About the Buyer’s Home Inspection?

  • Nervous About the Buyer’s Home Inspection?

    My advice for sellers who are fretting their buyer’s home inspection.

Safeguarding Your Home’s Foundation

  • Safeguarding Your Home’s Foundation

    Here’s what you need to know about proper foundation maintenance for your home’s foundation.

How Do You Overcome Your Fear of Selling?

  • How Do You Overcome Your Fear of Selling?

    Here’s how I help home sellers overcome their fears.

What Am I Grateful for This Thanksgiving?

  • What Am I Grateful for This Thanksgiving?

    Today’s Thanksgiving message is meant to inspire you in more ways than one.

Why Does My Spouse Need to Sign Closing Documents?

  • Why Does My Spouse Need to Sign Closing Documents?

    Here’s why your spouse is required to sign closing documents.